+91 9310264112 info@promivacpump.com

Promivac Engineers

These are available in single & double stage and are oil sealed, rotary vane type positive displacement pumps where, not only complete assembly is immersed in oil but shaft seal is also designed in such a way that it totally eliminates the possibility of suction of air through it. These are designed to achieve maximum vacuum in a very short time and rise in temperature of the unit also remains under check, which in turn reduces the wear and tear of its components and makes it suitable for noiseless and trouble free performance for years and thus helps in reduction of repair bills.

These pumps are very compact and are so simple in design that all minor repairs, in case of need, can be carried out easily without removing the main housing from its base plate and without disturbing the alignment. In industrial models, or in vacuum pumps of higher capacities which are operated continuously for very long spells of time the oil gets heated either on account of friction or on account of heavy intake of hot mixture of gas and vapours, the performance of the pump drops.

In order to keep it cool, a jacket is constructed around three sides of the pump housing, in which water is made to circulate for keeping the temperature of vacuum pump under control and retaining the performance at its best. In this model an inbuilt device, known as Gas Ballast is provided, which effectively checks to a large extent condensation of the water vapours which otherwise would not only had contaminated the oil, but had also diminished the performance of the pump.


Vacuum Creation, Filling, Drying, Lifting, Forming, Filtration, Distillation, Annealing, Impregnation, Dehydration, Sublimation, Film Coating & Many More.


: : Single Stage Air Cooled : :
Model No. Required hp Free Air Displacement in lpm Ultimate Pressure in mm Hg. " Approx. Oil Charges in Ltrs.
PV1-50 1/4 50 0.05 2
PV1-100 1/4 100 0.05 2
PV1-200 1/2 250 0.05 4
PV1-300 1/2 350 0.05 4.5
PV1-500 1 500 0.05 5
PV1-800 1 800 0.05 8
PV1-1200 2 1200 0.05 10
: : Double Stage Air Cooled : :
Model No. Required hp Free Air Displacement in lpm Ultimate Pressurein mm Hg. Approx. OilCharges in Ltrs.
PV2-50 1/4 50 0.005 2
PV2-100 1/4 100 0.005 2.5
PV2-200 1/2 250 0.005 4.5
PV2-300 3/4 350 0.005 5.5
PV2-500 1 500 0.005 6
PV2-800 2 800 0.005 8
PV2-1200 3 1200 0.005 10
: : Single Stage Water Cooled : :
Model No. Required hp Free Air Displacement in lpm "Ultimate Pressurein mm Hg. " Approx. OilCharges in Ltrs.
PV1-1200 2 1200 0.05 12
PV1-1500 3 1500 0.05 18
PV1-2000 3 2000 0.05 25
PV1-3000 5 3000 0.05 30
PV1-5000 5 5000 0.05 45
PV1-7500 7.5 7500 0.1 50
PV1-10000 10 10000 0.1 52
PV1-15000 15 15000 0.5 60
PV1-20000 20 20000 0.5 75
: : Double Stage Water Cooled : :
Model No. Required hp Free Air Displacement in lpm Ultimate Pressurein mm Hg. Approx. OilCharges in Ltrs.
PV2-1200 3 1200 0.005 15
PV2-1500 5 1500 0.005 18
PV2-2000 5 2000 0.005 20
PV2-3000 7.5 3000 0.005 30
PV2-5000 7.5 5000 0.005 45
PV2-7500 10 7500 0.05 50
PV2-10000 12.5 10000 0.05 60
PV2-15000 15 15000 0.1 75
PV2-20000 20 20000 0.1 90